ZONE (2014)
Empty Cube / Appleton Square Gallery, Lisbon Curator: João Silvério
ZONE was installed for twenty-four hours at EMPTY CUBE within Appleton Square Gallery, Lisbon. A cube was erected within the gallery and a two-faced sign placed within the built cube. On each face it presented acorrelated but different texts (by Mark Themann).
A young boy replaced each text pair with new texts following a schedule established by a roll of the dice. In a gamble for time, at a table traditionally used for domestic gambling in the Portugal's middle classes., Themann and Silvério (curator) each rolled a dice to ‘fill up’ the allotted twenty-four hours with a randomised schedule, for the exchange and display of new text pairs, in various cycles of duration.

[ exchanging texts ]
Zone of all that which
has been thought
Zone of all that which refuses to be thought
Zone of all that which cannot be thought
Zone of all that which remains to be thought
translated from Portuguese
texts: Mark Themann

Above image courtesy of Aplleton Square
All other photography: Pedro Troppa

Zone of all that which has been thought
Zone of all that which refuses to be thought
Zone of all that which cannot be thought
Zone of all that which remains to be thought
texts: Mark Themann